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Californians to Vote to Save Flavored Tobacco Products
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Californians to Vote to Save Flavored Vaping Products

The Californian government is currently holding a referendum for Proposition 31, a law that prohibits the sale of a considerable amount of flavored tobacco products, including vapes and e-cigarette products. 

As many know, this bill was signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020. However, due to intense lobbying by tobacco companies and gathering enough signatures from Californians, it was decided that the law would be put on the statewide ballot.

For those wanting to vote, a ‘yes’ vote represents the approval of the flavor ban, while a ‘no’ rejects the law. The ballot, which is being led by Yes On Proposition 31, Committee to Protect California Kids, will open for votes on November 8, 2022. 

Other supporters of Proposition 31 include the Peace and Freedom Party of California and the California Teachers Association. 

Currently, these groups have raised roughly $6.1 million in support of the campaign. 

Upholding the against side is the No on Prop-31 Californians Against Prohibition. 

In hopes that the Proposition is rejected, there are some powerful players in support of the against vote. Big tobacco companies like ITG Brands, Philip Morris USA, RJ Reynolds Tobacco, and Swedish Match North America are all weighing in.  The California Coalition for Fairness is also on the against side. 

Additionally, the Republican Party of California is also joining the ‘no’ vote. 

Boasting the weight of big tobacco companies like Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds, about $23 million has been raised in opposition. 

At a glance at the financial stats of both campaigns, it is fairly easy to see that there is good support by vape advocates, but it remains true that every vote counts to help reject Proposition 31. 

What Are the Effects of Proposition 31?

Should the majority of the ballots read ‘yes’, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Senate Bill 793 from 2020 will come into full effect. This results in a huge number of popular flavored tobacco products being banned, including vape and e-cigarette products. 

In fact, the only products that have been outlined as exempt from the law include hookah pipe products, a few cigars, and loose-leaf tobacco. Despite having eerily similarities to vapes, hookah pipes have been protected by cultural ties. 

Not only will consumers be denied their favorite products, along with smokers using vapes and e-cigarettes as a means of smoking cessation being stripped of their means to cope, but there will likely be a reduction of state tobacco tax revenue. 

Legislative Analyst’s Office has estimated that this bill could single-handedly cost “tens of millions of dollars to around $100 million annually” in lost tax money. Typically reduced taxes 

In Summary

Proposition 31 will hit the Californian statewide ballots on November 8, 2022. Voters will have a chance to reject the prohibition on flavored tobacco products, including vapes and e-cigarettes – a law that was approved by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020. 

This will likely all but destroy the vaping landscape in California should the voters in favor of Proposition 31 win. 

We at Versed Vaper urge all vape lovers to make sure that you are ready to vote against Proposition 31 to keep your favorite flavored vaping products on the market in California. 

Robert Barnes Author Picture

Robert Barnes

Robert is the Senior Editor for News and Reviews here at Versed Vaper. Robert previously worked in tech journalism and even wrote commercials. Initially, he joined our team to cover important vaping industry news. Now, he oversees and produces news, reviews, and deals content across a wide variety of topics ranging from law and policy changes, ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) products and Cannabis and CBD vaping products. When he’s not keeping track of all the latest vaping trends, he can most likely be found marathoning television series or playing with his awesome dog, Lupa.

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