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The World Cup
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Vape Sourcing — World Cup Discount & Vape Kit Giveaway

Soccer fans, get ready for some savings! Vape Sourcing are providing a 10% discount in celebration of this years World Cup. All you have to do is head over to Vape Sourcing’s website, and use the provided coupon codes to receive 10% off your order.

What’s interesting is that Vape Sourcing have provided a unique code for each team. Every time you use this code, you’ll save 10% off your order, and also earn 500 points.

As a bonus, if you use your teams discount code, and they make the top 8, you’ll also receive a refund of 10% of the goods you purchased using the code. Pretty sweet. The coupon codes for each team are below:

Use your dedicated discount code for the team, enjoy a 10% OFF discount and earn 500 points”

Team Coupon Code Available
Argentina WorldCup_ARGWIN YES
Australia WorldCup_AUSWIN YES
Belgium WorldCup_BELWIN YES
Brazil WorldCup_BRAWIN YES
Colombia WorldCup_COLWIN YES
Costa Rica WorldCup_CRCWIN YES
Croatia WorldCup_CROWIN YES
Denmark WorldCup_DENWIN YES
Egypt WorldCup_EGYWIN YES
England WorldCup_ENGWIN YES
Spain WorldCup_ESPWIN YES
France WorldCup_FRAWIN YES
Germany WorldCup_GERWIN YES
Iran WorldCup_IRNWIN YES
Iceland WorldCup_ISLWIN YES
Japan WorldCup_JPNWIN YES
South Korea WorldCup_KORWIN YES
Saudi Arabia WorldCup_KSAWIN YES
Morocco WorldCup_MARWIN YES
Mexico WorldCup_MEXWIN YES
Nigeria WorldCup_NGAWIN YES
Panama WorldCup_PANWIN YES
Peru WorldCup_PERWIN YES
Poland WorldCup_POLWIN YES
Portugal WorldCup_PORWIN YES
Russia WorldCup_RUSWIN YES
Senegal WorldCup_SENWIN YES
Serbia WorldCup_SRBWIN YES
Switzerland WorldCup_SUIWIN YES
Sweden WorldCup_SWEWIN YES
Tunisia WorldCup_TUNWIN YES
Uruguay WorldCup_URUWIN YES


In addition to the savings, you can also enter Vape Sourcing’s giveaway for a chance to win:

  • One of Two – Eleaf iJust 3 Kit (New Color Version)
  • One – Adidas Fifa 2018 World Cup Official Game Ball

Don’t miss your chance to grab some incredible savings and root for your team at the same time!


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