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Wotofo Profile PS RDA Review: A Parallel or Series Dual Mesh RDA

Wotofo Profile PS RDA



Wotofo Profile PS RDA 4
Design — 9.5
Build Quality — 9.5
Ease of Building — 9.5
Performance — 9.5
Flavor — 10.0



Check Price

Fresh from Wotofo and Mr. Justright1 is another RDA in the Profile series. First came the Profile RDA, which was then followed shortly after by the Profile 1.5 RDA. Both of these tanks brought mesh RDAs into the limelight and really showed the flavor and performance that you could get from a good mesh coil RDA.

What’s better than a single mesh coil RDA? A dual mesh coil RDA, of course, and that’s exactly what we have here with the Profile PS. It’s a large 28.5mm RDA that uses two mesh strips. Not only that, but the deck can be run in either parallel or series configurations just by switching out the 510 pin. This is great for running extremely low resistance coils.

The Wotofo Profile PS is available in 6 colors and comes with everything needed to build on it, including coils and cotton. It can be used as both a dripper and for squonking.

Is dual mesh the way to go? I used the Profile PS for 2 weeks to find out.

This product was sent to me directly from Wotofo for the purpose of this review. This does not in any way affect my opinion or ratings of this tank.

Box Contents

  • 1 x Profile PS Dual Mesh RDA
  • 2 x 0.3Ω Mesh Strips
  • 2 x 6mm Thick Cotton Strip
  • 1 x Bending Tool
  • 1 x Cross Head Screwdriver
  • 1 x Allen Key
  • 1 x Accessory Bag
  • 1 x User Manual


  • Dual Mesh RDA
  • Diameter: 28.5mm
  • Height: 35.5mm (with 810 drip tip and 510 pin)
  • 810 Resin Drip Tip
  • Dual Mesh in Parallel or Series
  • Wattage Range: 60-90W
  • Recommended Wattage: 75-85W
  • 3ml Deep Juice Well
  • Drip / Squonk Compatible
  • Adjustable Side Airflow
  • Body Material: Stainless Steel

Design & Build Quality

  • Wotofo Profile PS RDA 1

The Profile PS looks like the Profile RDA went to the gym, started taking steroids, and got extremely buff. It’s an absolutely massive RDA with its 28.5mm diameter and it stands at 35.5mm tall including the drip tip and 510 pin. It also weighs around 185g so it’s no lightweight either. But the machining is beautiful and the overall quality of this tank is solid.

The Profile PS is available in 6 colors, all of which come with their own specifically colored resin drip tip. These colors are black, stainless steel, gunmetal, blue, gold, and rainbow. I am using the stainless steel version for this review.

Starting from the top of the Profile PS we have a low profile, resin 810 drip tip. On my SS version the drip tip is dark blue with swirls of light blue. It’s a wide bore drip tip with a funnel shape that gets wider towards the top.

Below the drip tip there is some knurling that runs along the side of the top cap. The knurling is very fine and makes it much easier to turn the top cap and adjust the airflow. When I first got this RDA it was difficult to turn but after a little lubrication with some ejuice it’s smooth and almost effortless. There is still a bit of resistance which helps to keep the airflow where it’s set.

Wotofo Profile PS RDA AirflowThe airflow on the Profile PS consists of three slots on opposite sides of the barrel for a total of 6 slots. The middle slot is slightly wider than the top and bottom slots. Adjusting the airflow is done by rotating the top cap. 

When the airflow is wide open there are 16 holes on each side of the top cap for a total of 32 airflow holes. These airflow holes are arranged in three rows; 5 airflow holes on the top row, 6 in the middle, and 5 on the bottom row.

If you continue to turn the top cap past these 16 holes, you’ll find 2 rows of holes for just the middle and bottom rows. The Profile PS gives a lot of options for airflow and there’s a ton of ways that you can configure it to get just the right amount of airflow that you’re looking for. You can even set it to half way on the 3 rows of airflow and halfway on the 2 rows of airflow holes if you like the draw.

The barrel has “Profile PS” engraved (PS stands for Parallel Series) and that’s it for branding and engravings. I like the simple look. On the inside of the barrel there are 2 notches that line up with the build deck. This keeps the barrel from moving when you adjust the airflow.

Changing the deck from parallel to series

Wotofo Profile PS RDA Parallel and Series

The most unique and interesting feature about the Profile PS is not that it takes dual mesh coils, but that the deck can be run in either parallel or series configurations. This is done by switching out the 510 pin.

The standard deck configuration that you’ll be most used to with other tanks is parallel — install a dual coil build and the resistance will come out to half the resistance of a single coil. For instance, the dual 0.3Ω mesh coils that come with the Profile PS come out to 0.15Ω when installed in a parallel configuration.

When these same 0.3Ω coils are installed with the deck in series configuration, the resistance comes out to 0.6Ω — double the resistance of a single coil and four times the resistance of the parallel configuration.

The option to configure the deck in a series configuration comes in handy if you use your own mesh and build extremely low resistance coils. A 0.05Ω build in parallel will come out to 0.20Ω in series; a much more reasonable and safe resistance to use and vape on. It also comes in handy if you’re trying to preserve your battery life. The higher resistance of the series build will require lower wattages which in turn will save you battery life.

Switching the deck from parallel to series configuration is as simple as swapping the 510 pin. There are four pins that come with the Profile PS, one solid and one squonk pin for parallel, and one solid and one squonk pin for series. 

The deck comes pre configured in parallel. To switch over to series you have to remove the pin using the included hex head allen key. You also have to remove the metal “sleeve” that sits in there as well. Now all you have to do is insert the series pin and tighten it in place. Your parallel build is now running in series.

Profile PS build deck

Wotofo Profile PS RDA DeckThe build deck on the Profile PS looks familiar but strange at the same time. I’m not used to seeing dual mesh decks so although it looks like a mesh build deck, the configuration is just a bit different.

There is one post in the center of the deck that is secured by a hollow Phillips head screw. This screw is where the ejuice comes out when you squonk. Then on either side of the deck is a single clamp. 

Your mesh coils get inserted into the side clamps, as well as into the central post in the center of the deck. The post in the center tightens the leads of both mesh coils at the same time. There are side mounted Phillips head screws to tighten the clamps on the sides.

There are two white peek insulator plates with springs. These help keep your cotton tight and pushed up against your mesh coils. 

Finally, the deck has a really deep juice well; 3ml deep to be exact! This is amazing for those who over drip or over squonk like myself and ensures that ejuice won’t come spilling out if you get a little overzealous.

Building on the Profile PS

Wotofo Profile PS RDA Deck 2Building on the Profile PS is straightforward, primarily because Wotofo has included everything you need to build. This includes the mesh strips and cotton. In the box you get two 0.30Ω mesh strips, as well as two pieces of agleted cotton.

I suggest rinsing out the Profile PS before building to clean out any residue left over from the machining process. My unit came with a little bit of oil inside of the barrel and no one wants to vape that.

To start you will want to grab the coil shaping rod that comes in the package. This is the black rod with a thicker end and a thinner end. Shape the mesh strips into a semi-circle by bending it around the thick end of the shaping rod. This will give you a nice semi circle that will fit perfectly into the clamps.

Loosen the three Phillips head screws on the deck. These are the two on the outside and the one central screw. Don’t loosen the screws too much though because the clamps are spring loaded and may pop out. Just loosen them enough so that there is room for the mesh strips.

Seat the mesh strips into the clamps. I found it easiest to tighten the outer clamps first but make sure that the strips are seated in the central clamps as well when you do this.

Here comes the tricky part. With the outer clamps tightened, you need to apply ever so slight pressure to the mesh coils in the center clamp to ensure that they seat properly. Don’t press down too hard though or you will deform and bend the mesh which will cause them to heat up unevenly. 

Wotofo Profile PS RDA Deck 3Once tightened, ensure that your mesh strips are level and even. I suggest pulsing the mesh coils at a low wattage like 25W just to ensure that the coils are heating up evenly. This will also burn off any residue from your fingers.

Let the mesh cool down and grab your cotton. I rolled my cotton a little to make it easier to thread through. As you thread your cotton through you will want to push down on the white spring loaded plates that sit underneath the mesh coils. This will give you more room and make it easier to get the cotton through.

With your cotton in place, give it a good combing and then trim the edges. Trimming the cotton about an inch or so from the edge of the mesh coils seemed to work nicely.

Tuck your cotton into the deep juice well and juice it up with eliquid. Put the tank back together and you’re ready to vape!


Wotofo Profile PS RDA 3With all of this talk about dual mesh coils I bet that you’re really wondering how the Profile PS performs. I will get into that right now. For my testing I used 6mg regular nicotine ejuices and tried the Profile PS in both parallel and series configurations using the included mesh strips.

Out of the box this tank is in parallel mode and the installed coils come out to 0.15Ω. Setting the airflow to the two rows of holes provides just a little restriction which I really enjoy. With the wattage set to 75W the flavor is good and the vapor is warm just how I like it. The flavor is definitely better than the single mesh Profile RDA, but I can’t help but think how amazing it would be if Wotofo included clapton mesh strips. I have to get some of those and try them out!

Switching to series mode, the resistance of the included coils comes out to 0.60Ω. At this resistance I liked vaping at 55W, again with the airflow set to the two rows of airflow holes. It’s amazing how easy it is to change the resistance while using the same coils! Very neat and useful design!

When squonking the ejuice comes out of the central post and overflows onto your cotton. This system works well and properly rejuices the cotton. The 3ml deep juice well keeps any ejuice securely in the bottom of the deck to be absorbed by the wicks when needed.


The Profile PS is a solid mesh RDA. The flavor that comes out of this tank with two strips of mesh is absolutely amazing. I thought that single mesh RDAs were the pinnacle of rebuildable but the Profile PS has shown me that I was wrong!

There are a few cons to this tank but they are minor. The machining oil that comes on the tank can be washed off. Having to tighten both mesh strips down at the same time because they share the same central post is a little annoying but patience goes a long way. In the end it’s not that difficult but it can be frustrating.

The pros are the big flavor from the dual mesh, the deep juice well, and lots of options for how you set your airflow. And of course, I can’t forget the ability to switch from parallel to series configurations. It’s not something that you will use all the time, but it’s useful for when you need it, or even when you just want to try something different.

The Profile PS gets solid scores from me and is an RDA that I can easily recommend.


Robert Barnes Author Picture

Robert Barnes

Robert is the Senior Editor for News and Reviews here at Versed Vaper. Robert previously worked in tech journalism and even wrote commercials. Initially, he joined our team to cover important vaping industry news. Now, he oversees and produces news, reviews, and deals content across a wide variety of topics ranging from law and policy changes, ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) products and Cannabis and CBD vaping products. When he’s not keeping track of all the latest vaping trends, he can most likely be found marathoning television series or playing with his awesome dog, Lupa.

1 comment

  • “The higher resistance of the series build will require lower wattages which in turn will save you battery life.”
    Not always true. I have .9 builds that won’t even get warm with less than 140W.
