Vape longer with these reliable & proven 21700 batteries
If you’re planning on picking up a new vape mod then you’re going to need a battery. A lot of vape mods these days are being released with support for a single 21700 battery and this is for a number of reasons.
Mainly, 21700 batteries typically pack higher battery capacities and the ability to discharge higher amps, so they make great batteries for vaping with regulated mods.
However, not all 21700 batteries are created equal. In fact, most aren’t meant to be used for vaping at all! So to keep you safe and informed we’ve created this list of the best 21700 batteries for vaping in 2024.
These batteries have all been selected based on their reliability, safety, battery capacity and amp output.
Batteries are powerful and can be dangerous if used improperly. Always make sure that you have a proper understanding of Ohm’s Law and battery safety measures before handling or using any 21700, 20700 or 18650 battery to vape.

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How we test
Best Overall
Why We Picked It
The Molicel P42A is the best all-around 21700 battery for mid-high wattages. The continuous discharge rating is overstated at 45A but you can comfortably discharge up to a respectable 30A with this battery. This means that you can use this battery to vape at up to 90W without having to worry about it overheating.
The P42A packs a decent capacity of 4000mAh so it will last just as long as the Samsung 40T, but you also have the option of vaping at higher wattages. The Molicel P42A is the best combination of high capacity and high power from a 21700 battery.
Best For High Wattages
Why We Picked It
For vaping at higher wattages the Samsung 30T is the best 21700 battery. While the Samsung 30T has a lower capacity than the 40T at 3000mAh, it will provide discharge rates up to 35A.
This gives you the ability to run your regulated mod at up to 100W using a single 30T while still maintaining decent battery life, too. If you’re looking to vape at higher wattages on a single 21700, the Samsung 30T is the only reliable choice.
Best For Mid-Wattages
Why We Picked It
The Samsung 40T takes our top spot as the best overall 21700 battery currently available.
It has a 4000mAh capacity and will comfortably discharge at up to 25A without breaking a sweat. This means that you can use the Samsung 40T in a regulated mod at up to 75W without having to worry. You’ll get long, all day usage out of a single battery without having to recharge.
Runner-Up: Best For Mid-Wattages
Why We Picked It
The Sony VTC6A performs nearly identically to the Samsung 40T and this makes it a fantastic choice for a 21700 battery for vaping.
It has a 4000mAh capacity and it can be safely discharged up to 25A in either regulated or unregulated devices. This battery is good for vaping at up to around 70W and will definitely last you through a day of use. If vaping at above 25A, the Molicel P42A or Samsung 30T are the better choices.
Battery Safety
If you’re using a mech mod, you should make sure that you always exercise proper battery safety precautions and have a firm understanding of Ohm’s Law. Knowing the amps that your build will be drawing from your battery is essential when using a mechanical mod, and you should pick a battery that is rated comfortably above that.
For example, If your build will draw 17A from your battery, a battery rated for 20A would be ideal. If you’re using a regulated mod knowing your battery safety is still a good thing and, although not as important, it’s still a good idea to know Ohm’s Law.
Battery safety and staying within the limits of your build and battery is paramount when it comes to vaping, because terrible things can happen if you aren’t careful. Batteries can and will explode if used improperly, and it’s your responsibility to make sure that you’re buying a battery that is both rated correctly for your build, and manufactured by a reputable company.
Key Qualities of a Great Battery
There are four key factors that you should consider when picking the best battery for your vape:
- High current rating
- High capacity
- High voltage when vaping
- Low Operating Temperature
High Current Rating
A high current rating is extremely important when choosing a battery if you’re planning on running a low ohm build. The current rating on a battery is the maximum current that the battery can safely discharge at one time.
For example, imagine we have a bottle filled with water. The size of the bottle opening limits the amount of water that can be poured out at one time. In this analogy, the size of the opening would be the maximum current rating, and the size of the water bottle itself would be the battery capacity.
Some batteries with a high current rating are able to discharge up to 30A without overheating. However, this doesn’t mean that you should just go out and buy the battery with the highest current rating.
While this would definitely be the safest approach, you would be sacrificing battery capacity in return. Instead, you should use Ohm’s Law to properly calculate the amps you will be drawing from your battery and pick a battery that is rated comfortably above that.
High Capacity
A higher capacity in a 21700 battery means that it will be able to deliver power for longer without having to be recharged. Capacity is measured in milliampere-hours, and is a measure of how many milliamps we can draw from the battery for how many hours.
Now, the milliamps you will be drawing from your battery will be dependent on your build, but this means that a 3000mAh battery will be able to deliver power for twice as long as a 1500mAh battery under the same conditions without having to be recharged.
High Voltage
A high voltage is desirable in a 21700 battery because different batteries will deliver different voltages. For vapers using a mechanical device, a battery with a higher voltage will “hit harder” and deliver more current to the coil, therefore creating more vapor.
For those with regulated mods, a higher voltage is still beneficial because it means that your mod doesn’t have to work as hard, and thus won’t have to draw as much current from the battery.
All of the best 21700 batteries for vaping have a high voltage, and will deliver the hit and vapor that you desire when combined with a suitable rig.
Low Operating Temperature
Having a battery that operates at a safe temperature is one of the most important aspects you should consider when purchasing a battery. Heat is the number one cause of aging and damage to batteries, and a battery that runs too hot will greatly shorten its lifespan. Instead of being able to use the battery for a year or longer, you may find yourself having to replace it much sooner.
In the worst case, if your battery isn’t rated for the current that you are trying to draw from it, the battery can vent or even explode. As previously mentioned, battery safety is paramount and if you simply know your battery safety, ohm’s law, and choose a battery that is rated for your build, you will not encounter any problems.
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Ever seller for the 40 says its a 35amp draw battery, maybe they remanufactured the battery? Idk i just bout a mod today and its my first 21700 think my old eleaf was a 5000 mah so im worried the 30t battery i currently have aint gonna be enough to last all day at work an extra 1000 mah would help
Hey Dustin,
The 35A rating is what is stated as the specs, but in testing the 40T gets much too hot above 25A and this dramatically reduces the lifespan of the cell.
The 25A rating we state is based off of battery testing results. This ensures that your batteries will last and remain safe to use.