Vaperz Cloud Temple RDA
- Plenty of room for large coils
- Top-notch build quality
- Comes with an acrylic cap
- Excellent drip & squonk performance
- Excellent flavor
- Built-in heatsink to prevent top cap getting too hot
- Coils share post holes
The Vaperz Cloud Temple RDA is a remake of the original Mini Temple RDA that came out in 2016. It keeps the same two post build deck that made the Mini Temple so popular and adds a few new tweaks and extras to make it even better. This new Temple RDA comes in 25mm and 28mm diameters.
Vaperz Cloud is a company known for their high-end, quality products. Their Hammer of GOD box mod is extremely popular among mechanical mod users. They’ve also had numerous other tanks like the Asgard RDA and Valhalla RDA that have grown an almost cult-like following.
The Temple RDA is built to accommodate large, exotic coils and still deliver flavor and clouds at the same time. I have the 25mm Temple RDA on hand to test it out and see for myself if it’s an RDA worth picking up.
Box Contents
- 1x Metal Cap – 25mm diameter
- 1x Acrylic Cap – 25mm diameter
- 1 x Solid 510 Pin
- 1 x 510 Squonk Pin (Pre-Installed)
- 1 x Acrylic Chamber Reducer/ Airflow Control
- Spare Screws and O-rings
- 25mm or 28mm Diameter
- 810 Drip Tip
- Two Post Build Deck
- Dual Coil RDA
- 6mm Juice Well
- 3mm x 3mm Post Holes
- Squonk Ready
Design & Build Quality
The Temple RDA is a remake of the original Mini Temple RDA of 2016. It features a similar build deck as the original but the outward appearance is completely different. It’s a simple design without any fancy design elements and it looks very low-key. The Temple comes in two base diameters: 25mm and 28mm. I have the 25mm version for this review.
The body cap of the Temple is all one piece; there’s no separate top cap and body cap. There are 21 small airflow holes on each side of the tank for a total of 42 airflow holes. Inside of the top cap is an acrylic airflow control that also acts as a chamber reducer. This acrylic piece reduces the size of the build deck to concentrate the flavor. It also allows you to adjust the airflow by turning the body cap of the Temple while it’s attached to a mod.
The body is made of stainless steel and there are rings on the top of the tank that lead up like steps to the drip tip. These rings give a bit of flair to the Temple and also act as a heatsink to ensure that the top of the tank and drip tip don’t get too hot.
There are circular indents below the heatsink that run all around the tank and two small ‘Temple’ and ‘VC’ logos but otherwise the Temple RDA is plain. Where a lot of RDAs go overboard with designing and making their tank stand out, Vaperz Cloud just went with what was practical.
There are just a few color options and they’re all pretty neutral: Gunmetal, Matte Black, Naval Brass, Stainless Steel, and 24K Gold. The gold is the most standout color of the five and it looks rich and classy. There are no fancy colors available like there are for the Asgard Mini, but you get a semi-transparent acrylic cap in the box that you can switch out. You can remove the acrylic airflow control/chamber reducer from the metal cap and switch it into the acrylic cap.
What really stands out about the Temple RDA is the machining and build quality. Vaperz Cloud is known for their high-quality products and the precision and machining of their products is really a notch above other vaping companies.
The engraving of the logos is perfect and the heatsink at the top of the tank is machined precisely and cleanly. The fit and finish of all of the parts is top notch. Everything fits together as it should without any crunching or resistance. Even the bottom of the tank, a place you will barely see, has Vaperz Cloud engraved neatly and accurately.
The Temple comes with a 510 squonk pin pre-installed. If you want to switch it out for use on a regular box mod then you have two options. You’ll notice that there are two screws that are screwed into the bottom of the tank. These screws can be used to plug the 510 squonk pin. There’s also a solid 510 pin in the box that you can swap out if you find that you have any leaking from plugging the squonk pin with the screw.
The build deck is a throwback to the Mini Temple RDA. Not much has changed here. It’s a two post build deck with large 3mm x 3mm post holes. These post holes are large enough to fit exotic wire and large coil builds without a problem. The posts are secured by large, flathead screws. These screws are good quality just like the rest of the tank and easy to unscrew or secure.
Two coil legs will share a post hole when installing dual coil builds. It’s not my favorite deck setup but there is more than enough room here to fit in a large set of coils. The deck is just as nicely machined as the rest of the tank.
Building on the Temple RDA
The deck on the Temple gives a lot of room to build but you have to be conscious about your coil positioning if you’re using the acrylic airflow adjustment/chamber reducer. If your coils are too far out towards the edge of the build deck they will touch it and this is something you’ll want to avoid.
2.5mm ID coils are no issue to install on this build deck and require almost no finessing or accurate positioning. 3mm ID coils need to be positioned closer to the center posts to ensure that they don’t touch the acrylic airflow adjustment but are still simple to position. Larger than 3mm ID is possible but may require removing the acrylic airflow adjustment cap to fit. This isn’t a real issue though because coils larger than 3mm ID will need all the airflow they can.
I started by loosening the two Flathead screws in the posts. Afterwards, I positioned both my coils at the same time with one on each side of the deck. Because both coils share the same two post holes it can be tricky to install them correctly but using a jig or a small screwdriver to hold them in place makes it a lot easier.
You can cut your coil legs before installing but it’s completely doable to cut them after they’re installed. A coil leg length of 5.5mm to 6mm fits perfectly. I didn’t pre-cut my coil legs and cut them after they were installed and positioned correctly.
You will want to position the top of your coil to be just under the top of the posts. Larger coils can be positioned at the same height as the top of the posts.
After installation of the coils is complete you should dry burn your coils. Fire them at low wattages to see if there are any hotspots on your coils. You’ll want to do quick pulses; you don’t want the coil to glow for too long at a time. If there are any hotspots run a pair of ceramic tweezers over them or squeeze the coil together from the sides. Do this until the coil glows uniformly.
Once the coils are cooled down you can thread some cotton through them. You want the cotton to be tight, but not so tight that it’s a struggle to pull it through. You also don’t want the cotton to be too loose and sliding freely. It’s a delicate balance.
I like to cut my cotton at the top-most o-ring on the outside of the deck. This is the perfect amount of wick for this deck. Cut your cotton, tuck it into the sides of the build deck and juice up your cotton thoroughly.
As the remake of a classic, the Temple had big shoes to fill. I ran a variety of dual coil builds in this tank so that I could really get an idea of how it performs best. I ran a 2.5mm ID simple wire build, a 2.5mm ID clapton coil build, a 3mm ID clapton coil build, and a 3mm fancy coil build.
I started with the dual 2.5mm ID simple wire build and I was honestly not too impressed. I had to cut down the airflow to really get good flavor but even then it wasn’t amazing.
I quickly switched this simple build out for a dual 2.5mm ID clapton build and here is where things got good. Flavor was immediately much better, and of course it would be because they’re clapton coils. But I think it also has to do with the coils being large enough to take the airflow wide open without dissipating the flavor. Dual 2.5mm ID clapton are definitely an area where the Temple performs well.
Upping the side of the coils a bit to a 3mm ID dual clapton build, flavor gets even better. Clouds are noticeably larger too. Although it takes some experimenting with the positioning of the coils to get them right, it’s worth every minute. Flavor is very, very good.
Finally, I used a 3mm fancy coil build. This one was a little more difficult to position correctly but again, worth it. There isn’t too much of a difference from the 3mm ID claptons, maybe a very small boost in flavor. Still, it was fun to install and the flavor and clouds are excellent.
Aside from the flavor and cloud performance, dripping with this tank is great. The 810 drip tip gives more than enough room to drip into, but you can’t easily drip directly onto the coils because they’re located at the sides of the tank. Dripping directly down into the center and letting my cotton bring the ejuice up to the coil worked every time though.
In my opinion, using a squonk mod with the Temple is the way to go. It makes it less drip intensive, especially when using large coils at high wattages. One good squeeze on a squonk bottle is easily handled by the 6ml deep juice well and wicked up quickly to my coils. For the best experience with the Temple, I suggest using a squonk mod.
When an original is so good it’s hard to do better with a remake but the Temple RDA 2020 is a solid tank. Build quality is excellent as expected from Vaperz Cloud and it’s easy enough to build on (even though the two shared-posts design isn’t my favorite deck design). Larger builds have enough room to fit and they perform well when positioned properly. Smaller builds do well too, although I would stay away from using simple wire builds in this tank.
Is it the most flavorful RDA available on the market? It’s hard to say, but it’s definitely up there in the top 5. If you like to build large builds or even if you like using 2.5mm ID claptons and similar coils, the Temple RDA doesn’t disappoint.
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